The premise behind brain tap review is to help people achieve the same deep state of relaxation and mental clarity achieved by meditation, without years of disciplined practice. The device uses sound and light therapy to stimulate a variety of different brainwave frequencies. It is designed to entrain the brain into Theta waves, which are associated with deep meditation and relaxation.
The device works by using a combination of sounds, soothing tones and pulsing lights to produce a brainwave-entrainment effect called binaural beats. These are produced when two slightly different tones, separated by a few Hertz, are played in each ear. The brain perceives the difference in frequency and mimics it, creating a phantom tone that results in a profound sense of calm.
Analyzing Brain Tap Reviews: What to Know
Unlike most meditation programs, which focus on producing Alpha waves only, BrainTap also stimulates other brainwave patterns, including Theta and delta. These other wave frequencies are associated with sleep, muscle relaxation and cognitive function. The unique brainwave-entrainment algorithms combine the effects of these different frequencies into one experience, allowing users to achieve a more holistic state of well being.
Another key feature is the headset’s auriculotherapy technology, which stimulates trigger points in your ears known as meridians. These are similar to the pressure points that are activated when you apply acupuncture needles, but do not require any conscious effort on your part. Once your headset is loaded with a session and placed on your head, you shut yourself out from external stressors and allow the technology to work its magic. The sound and light sessions are immersive, incorporating soothing tones and soft pulses of light that help to stimulate both the left and right hemisphere of your brain.